Florian is recognized with the Best Poster Award
Congratulations, Florian! This award is particularly important as our research has been recognized at the leading Phase Change Memory conference, E\PCOS 2023: European Phase Change and Ovonic Symposium
Maksym in scientific committee of IUPAC2023
It is a great experience to co-organize the track on Smart & Energy Materials. IUPAC2023 has been just amazing: Rich soil for new ideas in chemistry, dense networking and many new research friends. Bonus is: The Netherlands are all-week sunny and mesmerizing as always
CMD is invited to talk about PCM colloids at NaNaX10
Phase-change memory nanomaterials get increasing attention from the nanoscience community. Maksym delivers invited talk about our latest research at the biennial conference NaNaX: Nanoscience with Nanocrystals
Florian receives Best Talk Award
Big shout-out to Florian Schenk for earning the Best Talk Award at the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) Symposium on Materials Chemistry. Congratulations, Flo! We are supercharged and incredibly proud of you. Keep up the excellent work, great times ahead!
First first-author paper for Dhananjey
Rare and somewhat underappreciated ternary tellurides are actually your primary choice for phase-change memory, thermoelectrics or photodetectors. Many new materials are now available as sub-10 nm colloidal quantum dots, yay!